
The Truth Behind Self-Sabotage

Self-Sabotage Solutions

When we ask what is the self-sabotage we are really asking what happens when we try to do something and fail. Self-Sabotage affects all areas of your life from work, relationships, finances and health. It robs you of happiness and prevents you from living life to the fullest. It erodes your confidence and self-esteem and destroys your relationships with others, especially those who have invested a lot of time and energy in helping you reach your goals. Each time you “do it wrong”, you reinforce to yourself that perhaps you cannot or should not do it.

Low self-esteem and self-belief are symptoms of what is called the Fear Factor. The Fear Factor is the number one killer of success in anything we do. It’s a very real, tangible fear that weighs you down and prevents you from pursuing your dreams and objectives. And the worst part is…it keeps you from doing what it is you truly want to do. If you suffer from low self-esteem and self-belief, then you know what it’s like to fear doing your best. Every time you “act the fool” and fail at something you think to yourself “that just doesn’t seem right” and it adds to the belief that you are not good enough.

The more you push your mind and body to act in ways that make you feel uncomfortable and inadequate, the worse you feel about yourself. Feeling bad about yourself only compounds the negative self-talk you hear and experience from your environment and other people. Negative thoughts, feelings and behaviours feed on themselves creating an environment of constant self-sabotage. In order to counter self-sabotage and increase your self-esteem and self-belief, there are two things you can do. One is to face your fears head-on and take direct action and the other is to rely on the law of attraction to help correct and balance the emotions you feel due to your self-sabotaging behaviours.

There are many resources available today that are designed to help you improve your self-esteem, self-confidence and self-sabotage. When you use these resources to counter your self-sabotaging behaviours, you will be amazed at how quickly your life changes for the better. The first thing most self-help books will do is help you get a clear picture of what is happening in your life when you exhibit these self-sabotaging behaviours. Once you get this picture in black and white, you can begin to take personal responsibility for your own actions and reaction.

When you start to take personal responsibility for your own feelings and behaviours, you will find that your self-sabotage and self-belief go away and your life becomes more positive. The reason that these feelings and behaviours occur is that you are not connecting with yourself on a deep level. You may be putting so much importance and focus on other people, your work, your friends and activities that you are completely oblivious to your own emotions. By paying attention to your own thoughts and feelings, rather than other people’s opinions, you will be able to develop a more secure sense of who you are and increase your self-esteem and self-confidence.

When you become aware of your self-sabotaging behaviour patterns and begin to work towards changing them, you will notice a difference within yourself. It is common for us to feel negative emotions like anger, guilt, self-pity, jealousy, resentment and other similar emotions when we fail to live up to our full potential. We also feel good emotions when we succeed. It is only when we start to realize the connection between these good emotions and our achievements that we can make the needed changes. You do not need expensive therapy or medication in order to change the way that you respond to things – you just have to change the way that you are responding.

Changing the way that you react to self-Sabotage can help you gain self-confidence, self-esteem, and self-sabotage relief. In order to begin this process, you must identify the self-Sabotage that is causing you problems. Once you know what it is, then you must try to eliminate it as best you can. You might find it helpful to use some of the many strategies that exist to help you change your reaction to self-Sabotage. Some people turn to psychotherapy, while others may decide to use some self-help techniques. No matter which method you choose, though, it is important that you understand that changing self behaviour and changing the way that you react to stress and pressure, are equally important for your success.

The biggest problem with sabotaging behaviours is that the person suffering from it may not even realize that they are doing it. For example, if you constantly feel as though you are sabotaging your career, this will manifest itself in a negative way. You may start to avoid any situation that might cause you to have to talk to your boss. If you have low self-esteem, or if you constantly fear that you will never achieve success, then this will also be reflected in your sabotaging behaviour. The more you learn about how self-Sabotage affects you, the easier it will be to change the ways in which you respond to things in your life, so that you enjoy a much higher level of success and happiness.

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